pogba juventus Paul Pogba’s Talent Is Wasted at Man Utd

pogba juventus In case any of us had forgotten pogba juventus during the pause in the football calendar, pogba juventus Paul Pogba undoubtedly remains one of the most talented midfielders in the world. pogba juventus

pogba juventus

If we did need a reminder, the World Cup winner dished one out in devastating fashion on Friday evening, coming on to revive a flatlining Manchester United team and almost turning zero points into three in the space of 30 minutes. pogba juventus

pogba juventus

It was astonishing, but also not surprising in the least, that a really good footballer can help ten other decent players look far better than their individual capabilities. Pogba, along with fellow midfielder Bruno Fernandes, were head and shoulders above everyone else on that Red Devils’ side – and streets ahead of the majority of the Tottenham lineup, too. pogba juventus