muller Thomas Muller: The Space Investigating Assist Ma

muller The modern day footballer is often muller associated with flashy cars, multi-million muller pound mansions and luxury lifestyles. But Thomas Muller doesn’t fit that narrative at all. muller


In fact, the German forward is so out of sync with the current wave of superstars, he can be seen as an unfashionable selection in a team designed to dazzle and destroy in style. But the only thing more underrated than Muller himself is his value to this Bayern team, and just how instrumental he is in making the Bundesliga champions tick. muller


As football fans, we are desperate to pigeonhole players into specific roles, or bill them as the next big thing. But 12 years after making his debut, we are yet to put our finger on what role Muller actually performs in this Bayern side. muller