kuno becker 5 Things We Want to See in Goal 4 as Kuno B

kuno becker Huge news from the world of kuno becker stage and screen. Kuno Becker, aka kuno becker Santiago Munez from the beloved Goal! franchise, has written a script for a fourth film. kuno becker

Some Realistic Football Action kuno becker

The first two films were hugely popular, following Munez on his rags to riches story, as he step over-ed and pirouetted his way from the dusty pitches of LA all the way to Real Madrid via Newcastle. kuno becker

More A-Lister Cameos kuno becker

However, Goal III was ‘a piece of sh*t’ – Becker’s words, not mine – with his character barely featuring as we instead follow the journeys of two random, fictional England players to the 2006 World Cup. And neither one of them were even Gavin Harris. kuno becker